An explosion proof chiller is a kind of chillers that is designed to work in the hazardous environment, especially, petroleum industry. Therefore, it is specially made to tolerate heat and impact, and be non-flammable. The materials used to produce parts have low thermal conductivity and can endure high temperatures. Therefore, an explosion proof chiller must be made by an authorized manufacturer and skilled personnel.
An international firm of architects, planners and interior designers specialising in a wide range of commercial, residential and public sector projects.
Etiam purus lorem, aliquet a eros sit amet, vestibulum finibus augue. Cras egestas neque vitae dui tincidunt, vitae tristique tellus volutpat. Fusce justo ante, interdum in augue in, commodo imperdiet turpis. Maecenas justo neque, efficitur sit amet scelerisque eu, ornare a justo. Morbi scelerisque ex ut consequat vestibulum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent vel augue rutrum, scelerisque velit non, interdum nisl. Nunc acumsan comodo.
An international firm of architects, planners and interior designers specialising in a wide range of commercial, residential and public sector projects.
Etiam purus lorem, aliquet a eros sit amet, vestibulum finibus augue. Cras egestas neque vitae dui tincidunt, vitae tristique tellus volutpat. Fusce justo ante, interdum in augue in, commodo imperdiet turpis.